How To Host a Website for Free Using Google Drive

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Free Using Google Drive 

Google Drive Hosting is the best hosting for beginners because it is affordable, has a control panel and you can choose easily. It allows you to build your website so that you can swap files in and out quickly. After the whole website building process, you will have a professional looking website with optimized scripts.


Today we are going to learn how to host a website on Google Drive for free with the custom domain name. If you're looking for an alternative way to host a website on the internet, then you've come to the right place. Here I share some amazing steps to easily host your website files on Google Drive with a free domain name.

Steps — How To Do It ?

  1. Sign in to your Google account and open Google Drive.
  2. Create a folder named www.yourdomain.com
  3. Upload your static website to this folder. Make it public now by checking the Share to public link.
  4. Open the website Link
  5. Click Host in Google Drive. 
  6. Accept all the necessary permissions for the website. 
  7. Now you can find the whole list of HTML pages in your Drive. 
  8. Click on the index.html page located in the www.yourdomain.com folder.
  9. Your website is now loading from Google Drive. 
  10. Copy the URL to connect this uploaded website to your custom domain.
  11. Sign up with your domain name provider now.
  12. Changing nameservers to self-hosted. 
  13. Now go to DNS Records and delete all existing records.
  14. Add a new CNAME record with www and paste the value as the URL you copied earlier.
  15. Remove https:// and www.yourmain.com and update the registry. 
  16. Now add a new URL Redirect record with Host @ and value http://mydomain.com and then save the records. 
  17. Wait 2 hours to fully propagate DNS.Your website is now live and hosted on Google Drive.

How to update website content on Google Drive hosting? 

In Google Drive you need to open a file where you want to add something to the website. Just open a file in VScode and make changes to the file so you can see the website change as well.

Advantages of hosting a website on Google Drive 

  1. Host all your files for free and collaborate with colleagues.
  2. There is no need to rent a server or buy an expensive hosting plan. 
  3. You can start right away for free and share your website with everyone saving you time and money. All you have to do is upload files to your Google Drive and create a video.
  4. Within minutes you will have a website that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
  5. You can have your own URL to share files and folders easily and rest assured that you will never lose your data.
  6. With a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, you can create a website for your portfolio, blog, or online business. 
  7. You can easily get AdSense approval on static sites like tool blogs etc.

Limitations of Hosting a Website on Google Drive

  1. You cannot use Google Drive as a dynamic website as it is only designed to host static websites. 
  2. A limitation of Google Drive is that it will not accept uploads if the file is larger than 10GB. So if you are trying to host your website in addition to your business documents, you might face this problem.
  3. Google Drive only allows a certain amount of traffic to ensure other people have enough bandwidth.
  4. Google Drive only allows you to host websites that are 2048 MB or smaller in size.
  5. There are some limitations on what you can store in Google Drive. Some of the files have certain file types that are not supported, e.g. B. .exe and .dll files.


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About the Author

Hey there! I'Abdullah, a professional part-time blogger. Join me as I share informative and technical content to help you learn something new. ✨ #BloggerLife #TechTips #LearnSomethingNe

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